Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Blue Ridge Spinners and Weavers Guild

Back in November I attended a spinning class with Norman Kennedy. The class was hosted by Melissa who is a good friend of Norman's and one of the members of the Blue Ridge Spinners and Weavers Guild. The last day of class Beth, the president of the Guild, stopped by the class and extended an invitation to come to one of their meetings. The only criteria for joining this group is you have to be nice.

Today was my first meeting and I loved it. Everyone was so warm and friendly. Besides the business part of the meeting they have a program and 'show and tell'. I couldn't believe how much talent was in this very active group! Besides knitting, spinning, weaving, and dyeing many were breeders (sheep, alpaca, angora goats and rabbits).

The program today was felting but with a twist. Ann breeds Karakul Sheep this breed has a double coat that is course and has very little crimp. It is really good for felting. Besides the felting process Ann showed us how she makes felted braided rugs with the fibers. She uses the natural fibers from the Karakul Sheep which are a gorgeous black, brown, and cream color. In the picture you can see Ann braiding the fibers, next she will felt them, then sew them onto the rug. She will be adding the tri-colored braid to the rug that is in the lower left of the picture.

I am very excited to be a part of this group of talented women.


vanessa said...

i so want to move closer to you!

Annie said...

Wow-- that sounds like an amazing class. How lucky you are to be surrounded by so much talent.

Terri said...

Debbie, Let me know your e-mail and I will be glad to get you the information you are requesting. The Guild meets around Winchester.