Monday, April 27, 2009

18th-Century Market Fair

This weekend we went to the 18th-Century Market Fair at Fort Frederick State Park in Western Maryland.

Windsor chairmaker Charles Boland of Storybook Joinery was there.I love the finial on top of his tent.The temperature soared to over 90 degrees. I don't know how the vendors managed in their period wear. Some highlights from the fair.


vanessa said...

ok, you have got to stop having all this fun.
you're killing me here ;-)

Anonymous said...


I'm a volunteer for Merry Acres Middle School in Albany GA. We have inherited? a StructoArtcraft loom which must be the same model that you reconstructed (20").
No one here knows how to operate it or where to identify and find what's missing.

Do you hava any idea where we can find a manual for this loom?

Michael Roche,