Thursday, September 07, 2006

I received Lisa Souza - Petal yarn last week but haven't yet started swatching for Beadwork. Lisa specially dyed this 50/50 Silk/Merino wool for me. She calls this color Celadon and offers it in some of her other yarns.I purchased this loom last year from the auction at Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival. It is an oak jack-type floor loom with 4 harnesses and 6 treadles. It came with a stainless steel 27" 12-dent/inch reed, metal headdles, and metal tie-ups. It is very similar to a Leclerc but this one is handmade. It can be folded up easily for transporting but the loom is a little on the heavy side.

I'm getting ready for my first weaving class and decided to restore the loom by giving it a good cleaning, replacing parts and refinishing the wood. Here is the before...
and after...
I'm very pleased with the way it turned out. This is a very well made loom. I'm replacing the wire heddles and tie-ups with Texsolv. Texsolv System (heddles and cords) are made from crocheted polyester and are very strong and durable. To learn more about Texsolv headdles and cords read this article.


vanessa said...

omg! what a job on your loom!!!!! and the celadon is gorgeous :-)

Marji said...

gorgeous job on that loom. It'll be interesting to see how you like the texsolve heddles. I have the old metal heddles and am really quite happy with them.
I'm really anxious to see how your swatch turns out with that yarn.

Sandra D. said...

Looms look like rocket science to me! Have you had your class yet?

I love the celadon color for your Beadwork. Have you had time to swatch?

My knitting/spinning progress has been a snail's pace lately.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work on the loom. And the yarn looks yummy.